PLuS is a strategic alliance between Arizona State University, King’s College London and University New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) designed to help elevate educational opportunities for students at each of the partner universities through its Global Learning Network by offering global intensive experiences and opportunities to collaborate and engage through course exchange and project-based virtual teams.
The PLuS Online Course Exchange is an initiative among PLuS Alliance universities that allows students enrolled in one of the universities to take online courses or modules offered at one of the PLuS Alliance partner universities.
Students who participate in the PLuS Online Course Exchange will have the opportunity to engage with faculty and classmates internationally in a global virtual setting. The exposure to different perspectives, teaching methodologies, cultural contexts, and national realities is part of what makes the online course exchange experience meaningful. This experience will not only be personally and academically rewarding; it is an example of global engagement that can be highlighted on a student’s résumé and increase the student's global employability.
Currently, the classes offered through PLuS Alliance are online only. There are a few courses with optional, short term, international field trips referred to as Global Intensive Experiences (GIE).
PLuS Alliance course offerings have their own distinct platform and academic calendar.
Students will pay the standard tuition rates of their current program.
Yes! PLuS Alliance students will be in class with students from Australia, the US, and the UK.
Students will register for PLuS Alliance courses through their home institution.
Each course has its own prerequisites that must be met.
PLuS Alliance courses may require the use of a webcam and microphone. Please check the course syllabus and/or contact the professor of the course to see if this will be required.
The LMS platform used by the course providers will be similar to the LMS you have used at your host institution. While some features of the LMS may be different, there will be online tutorials to help you navigate the new system. Students can also reach out to Technical Support and/or the course instructor with specific questions.
For questions about the course content students should contact the professor/instructor of the course.
PLuS Alliance students have 24/7 access to course material.
All tests and assignments through PLuS Alliance are completed online. Exams/tests may be administered via webcam or online proctoring.
PLuS Alliance students will have access to online library resources through their course provider.
Deadlines will be set in the time zone of the providing institution.
Grading will vary by course and instructor. However, generally speaking, assessment is based upon a combination of papers, presentations, exams/quizzes, and participation in discussion boards.
No, all credits earned through PLuS Alliance will be reflected on your home institution transcript.
Students will earn native credit for the courses through PLuS Alliance. A note will be added on the transcript to indicate the student’s participation in a PLuS Alliance course.