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King's College London welcomes eight new Fellows

King's College London welcomes eight new Fellows

Monday, November 04, 2019


The PLuS Alliance are delighted to announce the award of Fellowship to eight new fellows at King’s College London.  They are Professor Wei Gao, Dr Ian Henderson, Dr Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, Professor Graeme Earl, Dr Nishanth Sastry, Dr Katie Meehan, Dr Kirk Plangger and Dr Annapurna Vyakarnam.

All of the new fellows will be seeking to collaborate with PLuS Alliance fellows at UNSW – Sydney and Arizona State University where the PLuS Alliance Symposium is being hosted next week between 12th -13th November.  The strategic aim is to provide evidence-based solutions to the challenges of global health, social justice, sustainability and technology and innovation, the four UN Sustainable Development Goals under whose remit the PLuS Alliance was established.  The new fellows cover a range of areas from Marketing and Law to Epidimeology and Microbial Immunology

Dr Kirk Plangger, King's Business School will be attending the Symposium.  He commented “I’m excited to know more about the PLuS Alliance, especially its research network building and funding opportunities. I also want to represent the King’s Business School and facilitate new relationships with our partner universities’ business and non-business faculties.”  

You can follow the activities at the Symposium including keynote by Astronaut Cady Coleman with via Twitter @plusalliance #plusallianceSymposium2019 on Instagram @plusallianceedu and the finals on 12th November of the Hackathon on sustainable fashion at #resourcehack