The PLuS Alliance Presidents, Fellows, and collaborators from the UK, Australia and the US are converging on the five campuses of Arizona State University, September 11-13.
The 200+ attendees of the second PLuS Alliance Symposium will be assembling for a series of presentations, meetings and workshops around the four core themes of the PLuS Alliance; social justice, global health and wellbeing, sustainability, and technology and innovation. The Presidents will be addressing symposium attendees about leadership and PLuS Alliance developments, as well as conducting their quarterly Presidents’ and Executive meetings.
Three PLuS Alliance Fellows will lead sessions in key areas including core theme status updates, new idea brainstorming and future collaboration and project planning:
Global Health and Wellbeing Fellow, UNSW’s Professor Raina McIntyre, Head of the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, will lead the session and discussions around Health Care and Global Health Education Planning.
Sustainability Fellow, King’s Frank Kelly, Professor of Environmental Health, will lead the session and discussions on Sustainability Education and Research Findings.
Technology and Innovation Fellow, ASU’s Professor David Guston, the founding director of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, will lead the session and discussions around New Educational Initiatives.
SEED FUNDING One of the Alliance’s key initiatives is its Global Knowledge Network is the Seed Funding programme, which finances collaborative projects in the Alliance’s four core areas. Alongside this, there will be a series of research presentations focusing on a number of the collaborative projects, which will also initiate discussion around the seed funding programme generally and and consider actions and future planning.
PLuS ALLIANCE FELLOWS The latest batch of PLuS Alliance Fellows from ASU, King’s and UNSW will be announced at the Phoenix Symposium. Currently there are 60 Fellows and an additional 60 will be announced, bringing the total to 120. PLuS Alliance Fellows are nominated by each partner institution and reflect research excellence in the four core themes of the Alliance.