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UNSW Grand Challenges: Gene doping - the next target for tomorrow's athletes?

UNSW Grand Challenges: Gene doping - the next target for tomorrow's athletes?

Thursday, June 28, 2018


UNSW Grand Challenges: Gene doping - the next target for tomorrow's athletes?

Professor Diana Bowman from the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University visits UNSW Sydney to speak about whether there is an ethical and legally responsible path for gene-editing in sport. DATE AND TIME Wed. 25 July 20184:00 pm – 5:00 pm AEST LOCATION Function Room 5, Level 1 The Roundhouse UNSW Sydney Australia Tickets are free but registration is essential. Register here. About Grand Challenge Meetups  The Grand Challenge Meetups are for the UNSW community who are interested in the Grand Challenges Program and want to join the conversation. Meetups will feature different speakers and topics that are related to current and future Grand Challenges. Once the presentations conclude, there will be a chance to connect with colleagues and plant the seeds for future collaborations.