Engineering Summer School

Engineering solutions for global problems - leveraging smart city technology, robotics, computer engineering, and more in the PLuS Alliance global engineering summer school.

Bringing together industry leaders with bright student minds from around the world to create projects in a fast-paced professional environment.


Engineering the future

Inspire and engage with the future of engineering through sponsorship and mentoring at the PLuS Alliance global engineering summer school.

PLuS Engineering is seeking industry sponsors and mentors for the 2019 cohort to support Arizona State University, King’s College London and UNSW Sydney students. Please email PLuS Engineering Founding Dean, Professor Judy Raper:

Engineering topics summer 2019

Smart city citizen hub

Smart city citizen hub

The PLuS Engineering project is developing a brand-new campus that aims to be a vibrant place of learning for the development of new age engineers. The campus should be safe, clean, and sustainable. To support these goals, the objective of this project is to design a smart streetlamp that also serves as a “Citizen Hub,” providing free access to campus services.

Robot rehabilitation

Robot rehabilitation

Our globally ageing population will increasingly need more repetitive rehabilitation programmes. The objective of this project is to combine existing technologies to assist with patient rehabilitation in a non-invasive manner and to supplement more intensive human-led therapy.

Fountain design

Fountain design

Functional artwork for the campus should reflect the vision and values of our programs. The objective of the project is to design a sculpture that is also a drinking fountain that is visually appealing and uses different forms of energy to drive mechanisms that purify storm water into drinking water.